What Sleep Disorder Requires a Medical Specialist?

What Sleep Disorder Requires a Medical Specialist?

A prolonged lack of quality sleep can affect your physical health and standard of living if left untreated. Sleep disorders can be categorized as difficulties in falling asleep, staying awake, and abnormal behaviors during sleep. Sleep specialists determine the sleep disorder by evaluating your medical history and completing a physical assessment. Here are a few types of sleep disorders that require a medical specialist:


Narcolepsy occurs due to the absence of the neuropeptide hypocretin and causes extreme daytime sleepiness. It can also be caused by an infection or an autoimmune condition. The symptoms of narcolepsy include sleep paralysis, cataplexy, and waking dreams. The other type of narcolepsy occurs when there is a trauma or a tumor that affects the hypothalamus, causing excess sleep during the day. People with narcolepsy also have poor concentration, reduced energy, memory issues, and a stressed mood. Sleep specialists may recommend central nervous system stimulants and antidepressants to prevent excessive sleepiness.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea occurs when a person’s throat tissues relax and partially block the airway. The blockage causes the tissues to vibrate as the person breathes, making them snore loudly. Sleep apnea also causes abnormal breathing while sleeping, which can cause breathing obstructions. The frequent pausing in breath reduces oxygen flow, causing frequent awakenings during the night. A medical specialist recommends overnight monitoring using a polysomnogram to determine the cause. Treatment for sleep apnea includes use of a positive airway pressure device to maintain the right pressure levels. The specialist may also use a device to stop the mouth tissues from obstructing the airways.


Parasomnia causes unfamiliar sleep manners that occur during sleeping stages. These stages include non-rapid eye movement (NREM), rapid eye movement (REM), and shifting from wakefulness to sleeping. Parasomnia is usually caused by mental conditions, alcohol and substance use, and other chronic conditions. Treatment includes supplements and medications. The specialist may also recommend observing quality sleep patterns and taking safety sleep measures such as locking doors and blocking stairways.


Insomnia makes it hard for individuals to fall asleep or stay asleep. Health conditions that cause discomfort and mental conditions usually cause insomnia. Insomnia can also be genetically triggered. The condition may lead to sluggishness and daytime sleepiness, general physical weakness, and mood swings. Insomnia may lead to depression and anxiety. Treatment of insomnia varies on the underlying cause, whether it is chronic or not. If the condition is not chronic, the doctor advises a positive sleep culture, such as scheduled frequent sleep, nightly routine sleep, reducing alcohol and caffeine intake, and engaging in physical activities during the day. Chronic insomnia may benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy sessions, relaxation techniques, or prescription medications.

Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a condition that mostly affects women and gradually increases with age. Individuals with the condition often feel the urge to move their legs when they are not comfortable. The condition can be caused by obesity, alcohol and caffeine use, insufficient iron in the body, and pregnancy. If RLS is caused by insufficient iron, the sleep specialist recommends using supplements to increase iron levels. A specialist may also recommend stretching and massaging the legs to relieve uncomfortable sensations.

Consult Sleep Specialists Today

When sleep disorders negatively impact your daily life, they may require a medical diagnosis. Treatment of sleep disorders depends on the underlying conditions and involves medicinal or physiological therapies. If you experience a sleep disorder, consult a sleep specialist today and get tailored treatment to improve your sleep. 

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