Hidden Costs of Personal Injury Claims in Birmingham

Personal Injury Claims in Birmingham

Personal injury claims come with some hidden costs which can off-guard the victim. The visible costs, like medical bills and property damage, lie at the forefront of the victim, but the hidden costs go unnoticed. Birmingham personal injury lawyer can help victims understand the underlying costs of an accident as they can significantly impact a victim’s financial situation. 

Personal injury cases can arise from different scenarios, including car accidents, slip-and-falls, workplace injuries, and medical malpractice. The victim of personal injury faces financial burdens that are not immediately addressed. That’s when the role of a personal injury lawyer comes into play. Some of the hidden costs involved in personal injury claims are described below:

Long-Term Hospitalization

Victims already know they have to bear the initial medical expenses that arise immediately after an accident. However, after a severe personal injury, a person might have to undergo an extensive medical regime comprising long-term hospitalization or operations. Victims may often require months or even years of continued treatment, which can include physical therapy, rehabilitation, follow-up appointments, prescription medications, and others. 

Birmingham’s personal injury lawyers help victims understand the prolongation of medical treatment procedures and negotiate for the insurance claims so that their clients do not have to bear substantial out-of-pocket costs down the road. The lawyers predict future medical expenses and demand fair compensation for their clients.

Lost Wages and Unemployment

When an individual is affected by any form of personal injury, the victim has to take off from their work. If the injury is severe, then the person might have to resign from the employment. Lost wages are the most crucial but neglected form of hidden costs. Personal injury lawyers understand the importance of these costs and assist their clients in acknowledging them.

The victim might undergo a long-term or permanent reduction of their ability to earn, which is known as diminished earning capacity in legal terms. Vocational experts work with lawyers to understand the impact of the injury on the victim’s earning potential, and personal injury lawyers can calculate the amount for claims.

Modification of House and Vehicle

If a victim faces the issues of long-term disability, there is a chance of substantial costs involved in house and vehicle modification. For example, paralyzed victims and their families might require wheelchair ramps, widened doorways, and other accessibility modifications. Also, vehicle modification or purchase of a specially equipped vehicle is needed. These are some of the hidden costs involved after personal injury. 

Most importantly, these costs are not covered under insurance claims and cannot be considered by the insurance companies when providing for the initial settlement. However, with the help of a personal injury lawyer, the victim can establish the need for these modifications in the compensation claim and receive fair reimbursement.

Loss of Consortium

Injuries can impact a personal life as they can strain relationships if the victims are not able to participate in familial activities or support the spouse as they used to do before. In legal terms, it is known as a loss of consortium. This type of loss often gets neglected while a victim calculates the claim’s compensatory amount. Birmingham court recognizes this factor to be included as a valid claim in case of personal injury. With the help of an attorney, the victim’s family can recover compensation for the emotional and relational impact of the injury.

In addition to the above-mentioned hidden costs, there are legal and administrative fees that a victim needs to incur for claim settlement with the help of an attorney. Also, numerous more minor out-of-pocket expenses add up over time. A skilled lawyer can lend a hand to the victims so that they can receive compensation for the hidden costs of the injury are accounted for.