You must be familiar with the term sdms.px.indianoil/edealer_enu as it is one of the known industry for gas and oil industries. Oil products and gases have become a necessity. These goods must be sufficiently supplied.
As said we are in the digital era imagine a place where all selling and buying stuff happen smoothly. Let’s dive into the world of sdms.px.indianoil/edealer_enu and explore more and have knowledge about it.
What is sdms.px.indianoil/edealer_enu?
Sdms.px.indianoil/edealer_enu is an online platform that provides users with operational needs and procurement. It offers oil and gas services to Indian companies and people. It provides users with the benefit of contacting the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas to get their concerns addressed and resolved.
Features of Sdms.px.indianoil/edealer_enu/
There are various features provided by the platform for its users for a better experience. Let’s explore what it has to offer for its customers:
- Procurement- It provides customers with procurement by letting them browse products, place orders, and then manage their purchases.
- Vendor Management- It allows users to interact with suppliers and at the same time keep track of their orders.
- Inventory- It is important to keep a check on the stock level so that you can identify if a product needs renewal.
- Reports- Reports for a customer state that you can generate insights and keep track of your activities.
Categories Of Sdms.px.indianoil/edealer_enu
There are three categories present on the login page of the SDMS portal. Mentioned below are the categories of the platform:
- Option of Business Login: The very first option that arrives on the homepage is Login, where you’ll asked to fill in the information after registration to create an account.
- Privacy Policy: This option provides users with a few links that provide information about the safety terms and conditions and security in detail.
- Help Desk: It provides users with a help desk so that they can help users with any difficulties or queries. They may face and can share their problem on their registered login ID. To get their problem resolved or a good solution to it. This provides users with a better user experience.
How to Register on SDMS?
The procedure for registration is very simple. Kindly visit the Indian oil site and first of all register yourself by providing basic details and name – The page will take some time to register and verify with your phone number.
Steps To Login
After the completion of the verification, there is a temporary password and the username of the customer. Which is sent by the company (Indian Oil Corporation Limited). Once you receive the temporary password and username voila you are ready to log in. One needs to follow some steps:
- Step 1: With an internet-connected device search in the search box.
- Step 2: Click on the authentic website from the various options shown(that appears mostly on the top)
- Step 3: Fill in the information provided by the IOCL as the User ID and temporary password
- Step 4: Click on Continue, and you are all set to explore!
Steps to Reset Password
If you forgot your password or just want to reset the process is very simple for the same. Just follow some basic steps given:
- Navigate to the home page of the SDMS login site.
- After you fill in the required information User ID click on Forgot Password just above Continue
- It will navigate you to fill in the information required to change your password
- Follow the steps to provide the information
- And you are all set with your new password
- Login with a new password and explore the platform.
In conclusion, sdms.px.indianoil/edealer_enu portal provides users with different products and services of Indian Oil including polymers, Servo lubricants, LPG cooking gas, etc. It provides a user-friendly interface on the portal.
In the era of digitalization this has been a good way to have access to one of the necessities by sitting back at home. It is a trustworthy government company, where all the records are saved in a secure environment. To get in-depth information about the platform go thoroughly through the blog written.
The Indian Oil Corp is a public company and its owner is the Government of India.
Indian Oil’s SDMS stands for Secondary Dealer Management System. It helps to check and facilitate the secondary dealers using Indian Oil facilities.
1800-2333-555 is the toll-free number you can connect to between 8 AM to 8 PM
The information on sdms.px.indianoil is the result of our research. It is for information purposes only. There is no guarantee of the accuracy of the information. One is suggested to visit the official website before relying on the given information for a better experience.