Self-Publish Your Poetry Book: Six Steps To Consider For Success

self-publish your poetry book

Among several ways to show your love and appreciation for poetry, one of the most considerable ways may be writing your own poetry. It may sound easy but writing poetry can be a very challenging undertaking even for the most avid readers.

You may think that your challenges will be over once you have written your poetry manuscript. However, completing your manuscript is just one challenge among many. If you are considering self-publishing your poems, you must brace yourself for the challenges on the way.

Here are some of the best steps that can help you make things easier for yourself along the path of self-publishing your poetry.

1. Improve Your Manuscript

Before you are set on the path to self-publish your poetry book, you must look for ways to improve every poem in your manuscript. From grammatical errors to issues with the rhyme scheme, you can work one step at a time to boost the potential of your manuscript.

Of course, self-editing is a great way to learn from your mistakes and improve your work, but you must never overlook the magic a professional’s touch can create. You can hire a professional poem editor to help you boost the accuracy and readability of your poetry book.

In addition to asking expert poetry editors for their help, you can also ask beta readers and other poetry enthusiasts in your group to share their opinions on your work. Different perspectives can help you revise your work in the light of fresh insights.

2. Design a Captivating Book Cover

Captivating Book Cover

Before a poetry enthusiast gets to learn about your great poetic skills, the first thing they might see is your book cover. Most readers agree that they pick a book only if they feel connected with its cover. Otherwise, they may never feel the urge to read what is inside. 

A good book cover for your poem holds more importance in your success as a poet than you can imagine. It is your opportunity to make your first impression; you must give it your best to make an ever-lasting impact. First impressions may not be the last, but they matter a lot.

You can use elements such as imagery, colour scheme, and typography in your book cover to give the readers a hint about what they are about to read. If you do not have any experience in designing book covers, you can consider hiring the services of a book cover designer.

A professional book cover designer can offer you several options for choosing your book cover. Together, you and an experienced book cover designer can create an appealing and relevant book cover for your poetry book.

3. Improve Formatting

Formatting your manuscript the right way holds more importance than many poets acknowledge. It is a crucial step in preparing your book for publication. Several authors who are concerned about the success of their book also hire experts for the job.

Generally, formatting deals with setting margins, fonts, line spacing, and page layout of your book. However, the specific formatting guidelines can differ based on the publishing platform you choose. Make sure to consider these guidelines before submitting your work to ensure compatibility and professional presentation.

The way your book is presented can have a meaningful impact on the reader’s experience. Therefore, you must pay special attention to this aspect by testing it across different devices and platforms to ensure consistency and readability in print and digital formats.

4. Pick Your Publishing Platform 

Several important aspects, such as distribution, pricing, customer support, royalties, and available services, can vary from one publishing platform to another. You must research different self-publishing platforms to find an ideal match for your needs.

Remember to choose a platform that aligns with your publishing goals and budget. In addition, do not forget that some platforms offer exclusive benefits such as expanded distribution or marketing opportunities for you to consider.

Looking at so many options, making the right call for your poetry book can feel like the biggest challenge. However, you can make things easier by considering one factor at a time. This approach can help you find the option closest to your needs.

Before making your final decision, make sure that you also read the reviews of other poets who have worked with similar platforms. If other clients are satisfied, you can also feel comfortable while making your final decision.

5. Put a Price on Your Book

As a self-publishing poet, you hold the right to price your book and make the most of your sales. While your first instinct might be to put up a high price tag to make up for all your effort and dedication, unrealistic prices may limit the sales of your book.

Research different pricing models and find the right balance for your book. Instead of making your best guess, the price for your poetry book must be based on important factors such as production costs, market trends, costs of hired services, competitor pricing, and a reasonable profit margin.

At every step of finalizing a price for your poetry book, make sure to consider the pricing strategies your competitors are using. You must price your book competitively to attract readers while still earning a fair return on your investment.

6. Publish Your Book

After putting in all the hard work and facing the challenges, you may feel satisfied with your manuscript, and the thought of publishing your book will no longer make you feel your heart sink. You can publish your poetry book whenever you feel ready.

Start by reading the submission instructions provided by the publishing platform of your choice. You may have to confirm some information, such as your metadata. Select the distribution options according to your preferences.

You may have already thought about the pricing strategy for your book. You can reconsider your final option. Before you finalize all the details and make it ready for purchase. The last step is to review the publishing agreement and terms of service to understand your rights and obligations as a self-published author.

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